AWS Cloud: getting started and retrieving ECCO datasets¶
Andrew Delman, updated 2024-10-18.
Previous tutorials have discussed how to download ECCO datasets from PO.DAAC to your local machine. However, during 2021-2022 PO.DAAC datasets (including ECCO) migrated to the NASA Earthdata Cloud hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). While data downloads from the cloud (using wget, curl, Python requests, etc.) function like downloads from any other website, there are definite advantages to working with datasets within the cloud environment. Data can be opened in an S3 bucket and viewed without downloading, or can be quickly downloaded to a user’s cloud instance for computations. For more information on PO.DAAC datasets in the cloud, there are a number of infographics here.
This tutorial will walk through the steps of how a user can set up an AWS instance and access ECCO datasets for computations in that instance. No prior experience with the AWS cloud is assumed.
Set up an AWS cloud instance¶
Computations in the AWS Cloud are typically done in an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance, which is a self-contained computing environment like the operating system on your local machine. You start an EC2 instance through the AWS Cloud management console, then connect to the instance (e.g., through ssh
) like you would to any other machine, install the software that you need, and start working. AWS offers a Free Tier that
provides 750 compute hours per month, 1 GB memory, and up to 30 GB storage for a period of 12 months. This is great for experimenting, but these memory/storage limits can be quite restrictive, so if you have institutional or project support for larger instances it is highly recommended to use them.
The steps here mostly follow this excellent tutorial on the PO.DAAC Cookbook.
Step 1: Create an AWS account¶
If you don’t already have one, create an account on AWS. Anyone with an e-mail address and a credit card can do this, though for the reasons above it is recommended that you seek out institutional support if possible, or include cloud computing costs in your grant proposals.
Step 2: Start an EC2 instance¶
Note: if you have an AWS account through the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), you will need to do Steps 2 and 3 differently. Please consult these instructions.
Once you log in to your new account, you should be at a screen with the title Console Home. First, let’s make sure you are in the most optimal AWS “region” for accessing PO.DAAC datasets, which are hosted in region us-west-2 (Oregon). In the upper-right corner of the page just to the left of your username, there is a drop-down menu with a place name on it. Select the US West (Oregon) us-west-2 region.
Now let’s start a new EC2 instance. Click on Services in the upper-left corner next to the AWS logo, then Compute –> EC2. On this new screen where there are a number of boxes, select the yellow Launch instance button. There are some settings on this screen to configure before launching the new instance:
Name and tags: Whatever you want (e.g., ECCO tutorials).
Application and OS images (Amazon Machine Image): Quick Start –> Red Hat –> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, SSD Volume Type This is not the only AMI you can use, and your institution may have preferred or required AMIs to use AWS cloud services. Make sure that the AMI you select runs Linux, and is “Free tier eligible” if you are not supported by your institution or project.
Instance type: t2.micro if using the Free tier. If you’re not restricted to the free tier, a t2.medium/t3.medium or larger is recommended. (t3 is a newer generation, with similar or slightly cheaper costs as t2.)
Key pair (login): Click on Create new key pair. In the pop-up window, make the name whatever you want (e.g., aws_ec2_jupyter), select Key pair type: RSA and Private key file format: .pem, then Create key pair. This downloads the key file to your Downloads folder, and you should move it to your .ssh
folder: mv ~/Downloads/aws_ec2_jupyter.pem ~/.ssh/
. Then change the permissions to read-only for the file owner chmod 400 ~/.ssh/aws_ec2_jupyter.pem
Network settings: Your institution may have existing security groups that you should use, so click the Select existing security group and check with your IT or cloud support to see if there are recommended security groups/VPCs to use. If not or you are doing this on your own, then click Create security group, which will create a new security group with a name like launch-wizard-1. Make sure that the boxes to allow SSH, HTTPS, and HTTP traffic are checked.
Configure storage: Specify a storage volume with at least 15 GiB gp3 as your root volume. This is important, since the python/conda installation with the packages we need will occupy ~7.5 GB, and we need some workspace as a buffer. If you are in Free tier then you can request up to 30 GB across all your instances, so you can use up the full amount in a single instance or split it across two instances with 15 GB each.
Advanced details: Depending on your security/institutional requirements, you may need to include a specific IAM profile. Check the IAM instance profile dropdown menu to see if there is one associated with your security group.
Finally, at the bottom-right of the page click the yellow Launch instance button. Wait a minute or two for the instance to initialize; you can check the Instances screen accessed from the menu on the left side to see that your Instance state is Running.
Step 3: Install software and set up conda environment¶
Since your instance starts with a very bare-bones Linux OS, you will need to install software (conda/miniconda/miniforge) to run Python, and then install Python packages and the Jupyter interface to run these tutorial notebooks. A shell script to expedite this process is provided on the tutorial Github page, and here we will walk through setting this up.
First, ssh into your new instance. For most users this will be at the public IPv4 address on the AWS instance summary page, e.g., if the IP address is, then:
ssh -i "~/.ssh/aws_ec2_jupyter.pem" ec2-user@ -L 9889:localhost:9889
Some users with an institutional network or VPN might use the private IP address instead. The -L
option indicates a tunnel from the local machine’s port 9889 to the instance’s port 9889; this will be used later to open Jupyterlab through your local machine’s web browser.
Tip: If you are having difficulty connecting to your new instance, you might need to change your network/security group settings to allow SSH traffic from your local machine and/or HTTPS/HTTP traffic. Alternatively, you may need to attach an IAM role to your instance.
Now we will update the OS on the instance and install git
so that we can clone the ECCOv4 Python tutorial repository. This repository includes a shell script that can be used to finish setting up our workspace. First copy and paste the following commands into the instance’s terminal window, and execute:
sudo dnf update -y && sudo dnf install git -y && cd ~ && git clone
Now we will execute a shell script in the Github repository we just cloned,
. This script handles most of our environment setup, by doing the following:
(which allows us to download from internet websites)Installing
(which allows us to persist tasks on a remote machine even when disconnected).Downloading
from conda-forge which enables us to installconda
(a faster, C-basedconda
) in the/tmp
directory.Creating a new conda environment called
that will contain the packages we need to run the notebooks.Installing Python packages using a combination of
(the latter works better when memory is limited).Querying the user for their NASA Earthdata username and password (if these are already archived in a
file this step is skipped).
To run
, copy, paste, and execute the following two commands on the instance:
sudo chmod 755 ~/ECCO-v4-Python-Tutorial/Cloud_Setup/ && ~/ECCO-v4-Python-Tutorial/Cloud_Setup/
The script takes a few minutes to run, but it should set up our environment with the packages we need, even within the memory constraints of a free-tier t2.micro instance.
Step 4: Start a Jupyter lab session¶
With the jupyter
environment set up and credentials archived, we can run one more shell script to start a Jupyter lab session on the instance. The session will be opened using a tmux
window; tmux
is a program (similar to screen
) that allows a session to be detached from the user’s window to run in the background, and persist on a remote machine even after the user disconnects. The previous script created a symbolic link in the home directory that allows us to launch a Jupyterlab
session easily after log in. Execute the following in the instance:
You will get a prompt for a password (optional), or you can leave it blank and press enter. After this is done (and while still connected to your instance through port 9889), open up a window in your local machine’s web browser and put
or http://localhost:9889/
in the URL field. If you set a password for your session enter it when prompted, or if there is no password just click Log in. A Jupyter lab should open up in the ECCOv4 tutorial Github repository on
your instance. Go to the Tutorials_as_Jupyter_Notebooks directory, and you will see a number of notebooks ready to run! For example, you can access this one at AWS_Cloud_getting_started.ipynb.
Reconnecting to your instance and Jupyter lab¶
Re-connecting to an active Jupyter lab session¶
When you start a Jupyter lab session with ~/
, the session persists even after you disconnect from your instance. So in order to re-connect to your active session on the cloud, all you need to do is use a terminal window to re-connect to your instance, e.g.:
ssh -i "~/.ssh/aws_ec2_jupyter.pem" ec2-user@instance_ip_address -L 9889:localhost:9889
and then open http://localhost:9889/
in your local machine’s web browser again.
Stop/start your instance and starting a new Jupyter lab session¶
If you will not be working in your instance for a little while, it is a good idea to stop the instance to save on potential AWS computing costs, and then start it again when you resume work. The instance will hibernate, and usage and data transfer fees will not be incurred, though volume (storage) fees will still be incurred by a stopped instance if applicable.
Instances can be stopped and started through your AWS web console. To stop an instance, go to EC2 –> Instances, then select the checkbox next to your instance and use the Instance state drop-down menu to Stop instance. When you are ready to start working again, you will go to the same menu and select Start instance, and wait about 1-3 minutes for the instance to run again. There is also an AWS command line interface (CLI) that you can use to list, stop, and start instances. When your instance is running again, you should be able to connect, e.g.:
ssh -i "~/.ssh/aws_ec2_jupyter.pem" ec2-user@instance_ip_address -L 9889:localhost:9889
Note that the instance’s public IP address may have changed when the instance was stopped and started again. Once connected to your instance you will need to start a new Jupyter lab session by running:
and then you can open http://localhost:9889/
in your local machine’s web browser and start working again.
Accessing ECCO datasets¶
One nice aspect of working in the cloud where ECCO output is hosted is that you don’t need to download and store the output on your local machine. The output is hosted in S3, the AWS Cloud’s massive storage system, and you can load the output into your notebook workspace and scripts directly from S3. However, if you are doing multiple computations with the same dataset(s), you will likely save time by copying it to your instance’s local storage. The ecco_s3_retrieve Python module (which is similar to the ecco_download module for downloading ECCO datasets) allows us to both open the files directly from S3 and to make a copy of the files on your instance.
Here we’ll use both access methods to compute the global mean ocean temperature from ECCOv4, for the 12 months in the year 2010, and log the time it takes to retrieve the files and perform the computation. We’ll also try using multiple threads and processes to carry out the computation in parallel using dask.distributed
(note that you can’t benefit from this capability on t2.micro and t2.small instances as they only have 1 vCPU).
Short summary: in most cases (including the case below), it is quicker to download files to your instance before using them for computations (i.e., Method 2 below). But method 2 can only be used if you have the storage space available on your instance. A function is included in ecco_s3_retrieve which helps the user determine if there is sufficient storage available to download files, see Optimizing data access with available instance storage below.
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ecco_access as ea
import time
Let’s look at the syntax of the ecco_podaac_access
function. We will try accessing ECCO output using two different access modes: s3_open
and s3_get
Help on function ecco_podaac_access in module ecco_access.ecco_access:
ecco_podaac_access(query, version='v4r4', grid=None, time_res='all', StartDate=None, EndDate=None, snapshot_interval=None, mode='download_ifspace', download_root_dir=None, **kwargs)
This function queries and accesses ECCO datasets from PO.DAAC. The core query and download functions are adapted from Jupyter notebooks
created by Jack McNelis and Ian Fenty
and modified by Andrew Delman (
query: str, list, or dict, defines datasets or variables to access.
If query is str, it specifies either a dataset ShortName (if query
matches a NASA Earthdata ShortName), or a text string that can be
used to search the ECCO ShortNames, variable names, and descriptions.
A query may also be a list of multiple ShortNames and/or text searches,
or a dict that contains grid,time_res specifiers as keys and ShortNames
or text searches as values, e.g.,
will query the native grid monthly SSH datasets, and all native grid
monthly datasets with variables or descriptions matching 'THETA'.
version: ('v4r4'), specifies ECCO version to query
grid: ('native','latlon',None), specifies whether to query datasets with output
on the native grid or the interpolated lat/lon grid.
The default None will query both types of grids (and datasets with no spatial
dimension), unless specified otherwise in a query dict (e.g., the example above).
time_res: ('monthly','daily','snapshot','all'), specifies which time resolution
to include in query and downloads. 'all' includes all time resolutions,
and datasets that have no time dimension, such as the grid parameter
and mixing coefficient datasets.
StartDate,EndDate: str, in 'YYYY', 'YYYY-MM', or 'YYYY-MM-DD' format,
define date range [StartDate,EndDate] for download.
EndDate is included in the time range (unlike typical Python ranges).
Full ECCOv4r4 date range (default) is '1992-01-01' to '2017-12-31'.
For 'SNAPSHOT' datasets, an additional day is added to EndDate to enable closed budgets
within the specified date range.
snapshot_interval: ('monthly', 'daily', or None), if snapshot datasets are included in ShortNames,
this determines whether snapshots are included for only the beginning/end of each month
('monthly'), or for every day ('daily').
If None or not specified, defaults to 'daily' if any daily mean ShortNames are included
and 'monthly' otherwise.
mode: str, one of the following:
'ls' or 'query': Query dataset ShortNames and variable names/
descriptions only; no downloads.
's3_ls' or 's3_query': Query dataset ShortNames and variable names/
descriptions only; return paths on S3.
'download': Download datasets using NASA Earthdata URLs
'download_ifspace': Check storage availability before downloading.
Download only if storage footprint of downloads
<= max_avail_frac*(available storage)
'download_subset': Download spatial and temporal subsets of datasets
via Opendap; query help(ecco_access.ecco_podaac_download_subset)
to see keyword arguments that can be used in this mode.
The following modes work within the AWS cloud only:
's3_open': Access datasets on S3 without downloading.
's3_open_fsspec': Use json files (generated with `fsspec` and `kerchunk`)
for expedited opening of datasets.
's3_get': Download from S3 (to AWS EC2 instance).
's3_get_ifspace': Check storage availability before downloading;
download if storage footprint
<= max_avail_frac*(available storage).
Otherwise data are opened "remotely" from S3 bucket.
download_root_dir: str, defines parent directory to download files to.
Files will be downloaded to directory download_root_dir/ShortName/.
If not specified, parent directory defaults to '~/Downloads/ECCO_V4r4_PODAAC/'.
Additional keyword arguments*:
*This is not an exhaustive list, especially for
'download_subset' mode; use help(ecco_access.ecco_podaac_download_subset) to display
options specific to that mode
max_avail_frac: float, maximum fraction of remaining available disk space to
use in storing ECCO datasets.
If storing the datasets exceeds this fraction, an error is returned.
Valid range is [0,0.9]. If number provided is outside this range, it is replaced by the closer
endpoint of the range.
jsons_root_dir: str, for s3_open_fsspec mode only, the root/parent directory where the
fsspec/kerchunk-generated jsons are found.
jsons are generated using the steps described here:
and stored as {jsons_root_dir}/MZZ_{GRIDTYPE}_{TIME_RES}/{SHORTNAME}.json.
For v4r4, GRIDTYPE is '05DEG' or 'LLC0090GRID'.
n_workers: int, number of workers to use in concurrent downloads. Benefits typically taper off above 5-6.
force_redownload: bool, if True, existing files will be redownloaded and replaced;
if False (default), existing files will not be replaced.
return_granules: bool, if True (default), str or list of queried or
downloaded granules/files (including ones that
were already on disk and not replaced) is returned.
if False, the function returns nothing.
granule_files: dict with ShortNames as keys; values are URLs or S3 paths
(if in 'query' mode), or paths of files that can be
passed directly to xarray (open_dataset or open_mfdataset).
Values are of type str if query finds only one granule/file
for that ShortName; of type list if query finds
multiple granules in the same dataset;
or of type fsspec.mapping.FSMap if mode = 's3_open_fsspec'.
Only returned if return_granules=True (default).
Method 1: Opening ECCO datasets from S3¶
To open ECCO output data without saving it into our instance’s storage, we use mode = s3_open
. Note that we supply to ecco_podaac_access
the ShortName of the dataset that we are accessing. If you don’t know the ShortName already you can look for the dataset that you want in these
lists, or you can query the variable names and descriptions with a text string. In this case we will use the ShortName of the dataset containing THETA
, the potential temperature variable.
Method 1a: Open using no parallelization (1 thread, 1 process)¶
First we use only 1 thread and 1 process to open the files and do the computation. Note that when we open the files in the workspace using open_mfdataset
, the chunks option is used to organize the data into 1 chunk per time coordinate (month). This saves time on the computation which involves summing/averaging over every dimension except time.
# Open 12 monthly files (temp/salinity
# suppress warnings
import warnings
time_log = [time.time()]
## open list of files
file_dict = ea.ecco_podaac_access(TS_mon_shortname,\
## open files in workspace
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(file_dict[TS_mon_shortname],\
## repeat above with the grid file
grid_shortname = "ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4"
grid_file_dict = ea.ecco_podaac_access(grid_shortname,\
ds_grid = xr.open_mfdataset(grid_file_dict[grid_shortname],chunks={'k':10,'tile':13,'j':90,'i':90})
time_to_open_files = np.diff(np.asarray(time_log)[-2:])[0]
# Compute global mean temperature at each time
## compute volumes of each cell
cell_vol = ds_grid.hFacC*ds_grid.rA*ds_grid.drF
## mean temperature weighted by the volume of each cell
total_vol = cell_vol.sum().compute()
theta_global_mean = (cell_vol*ds.THETA).sum(dim=["k","tile","j","i"])/\
theta_global_mean = theta_global_mean.compute()
## plot global mean temperature
theta_global_mean = theta_global_mean.assign_attrs(long_name='Global mean potential temperature',units='deg C')
curr_plot = theta_global_mean.plot()
plt.title('Global mean ocean temperature, in months of 2010')
time_to_compute = np.diff(np.asarray(time_log)[-2:])[0]
print('\n\nComputation completed')
print(f'Time to open files, 1 process/1 thread: {time_to_open_files} s')
print(f'Time to compute, 1 process/1 thread: {time_to_compute} s')
{'ShortName': 'ECCO_L4_TEMP_SALINITY_LLC0090GRID_MONTHLY_V4R4', 'temporal': '2010-01-02,2010-12-31'}
Total number of matching granules: 12
{'ShortName': 'ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4', 'temporal': '1992-01-01,2017-12-31'}
Total number of matching granules: 1
Computation completed
Time to open files, 1 process/1 thread: 35.65613341331482 s
Time to compute, 1 process/1 thread: 9.323273658752441 s
CPU times: user 16.4 s, sys: 4.07 s, total: 20.5 s
Wall time: 45 s
You can see that much more time was spent “opening” the files than actually carrying out the computation. By opening the dataset with optimal chunking, we saved some time on the computations. However, opening files directly from S3 involves some communication between our instance and S3 that is not very efficient.
In the next example, we’ll see if using multiple processes & threads helps speed up this code. But first, let’s have a look at the content of the datasets that we have opened in our workspace:
# dataset with temperature and salinity
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 510MB Dimensions: (i: 90, i_g: 90, j: 90, j_g: 90, k: 50, k_u: 50, k_l: 50, k_p1: 51, tile: 13, time: 12, nv: 2, nb: 4) Coordinates: (12/22) * i (i) int32 360B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 * i_g (i_g) int32 360B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 * j (j) int32 360B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 * j_g (j_g) int32 360B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 * k (k) int32 200B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 * k_u (k_u) int32 200B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ... ... Zu (k_u) float32 200B dask.array<chunksize=(50,), meta=np.ndarray> Zl (k_l) float32 200B dask.array<chunksize=(50,), meta=np.ndarray> time_bnds (time, nv) datetime64[ns] 192B dask.array<chunksize=(1, 2), meta=np.ndarray> XC_bnds (tile, j, i, nb) float32 2MB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90, 4), meta=np.ndarray> YC_bnds (tile, j, i, nb) float32 2MB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90, 4), meta=np.ndarray> Z_bnds (k, nv) float32 400B dask.array<chunksize=(10, 2), meta=np.ndarray> Dimensions without coordinates: nv, nb Data variables: THETA (time, k, tile, j, i) float32 253MB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 10, 13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> SALT (time, k, tile, j, i) float32 253MB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 10, 13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> Attributes: (12/62) acknowledgement: This research was carried out by the Jet... author: Ian Fenty and Ou Wang cdm_data_type: Grid comment: Fields provided on the curvilinear lat-l... Conventions: CF-1.8, ACDD-1.3 coordinates_comment: Note: the global 'coordinates' attribute... ... ... time_coverage_duration: P1M time_coverage_end: 2010-02-01T00:00:00 time_coverage_resolution: P1M time_coverage_start: 2010-01-01T00:00:00 title: ECCO Ocean Temperature and Salinity - Mo... uuid: f4291248-4181-11eb-82cd-0cc47a3f446d
# grid parameters dataset
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 89MB Dimensions: (i: 90, i_g: 90, j: 90, j_g: 90, k: 50, k_u: 50, k_l: 50, k_p1: 51, tile: 13, nb: 4, nv: 2) Coordinates: (12/20) * i (i) int32 360B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 * i_g (i_g) int32 360B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 * j (j) int32 360B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 * j_g (j_g) int32 360B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 * k (k) int32 200B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 * k_u (k_u) int32 200B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ... ... Zp1 (k_p1) float32 204B dask.array<chunksize=(51,), meta=np.ndarray> Zu (k_u) float32 200B dask.array<chunksize=(50,), meta=np.ndarray> Zl (k_l) float32 200B dask.array<chunksize=(50,), meta=np.ndarray> XC_bnds (tile, j, i, nb) float32 2MB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90, 4), meta=np.ndarray> YC_bnds (tile, j, i, nb) float32 2MB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90, 4), meta=np.ndarray> Z_bnds (k, nv) float32 400B dask.array<chunksize=(10, 2), meta=np.ndarray> Dimensions without coordinates: nb, nv Data variables: (12/21) CS (tile, j, i) float32 421kB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> SN (tile, j, i) float32 421kB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> rA (tile, j, i) float32 421kB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> dxG (tile, j_g, i) float32 421kB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> dyG (tile, j, i_g) float32 421kB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> Depth (tile, j, i) float32 421kB dask.array<chunksize=(13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> ... ... hFacC (k, tile, j, i) float32 21MB dask.array<chunksize=(10, 13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> hFacW (k, tile, j, i_g) float32 21MB dask.array<chunksize=(10, 13, 90, 45), meta=np.ndarray> hFacS (k, tile, j_g, i) float32 21MB dask.array<chunksize=(10, 13, 45, 90), meta=np.ndarray> maskC (k, tile, j, i) bool 5MB dask.array<chunksize=(10, 13, 90, 90), meta=np.ndarray> maskW (k, tile, j, i_g) bool 5MB dask.array<chunksize=(10, 13, 90, 45), meta=np.ndarray> maskS (k, tile, j_g, i) bool 5MB dask.array<chunksize=(10, 13, 45, 90), meta=np.ndarray> Attributes: (12/58) acknowledgement: This research was carried out by the Jet... author: Ian Fenty and Ou Wang cdm_data_type: Grid comment: Fields provided on the curvilinear lat-l... Conventions: CF-1.8, ACDD-1.3 coordinates_comment: Note: the global 'coordinates' attribute... ... ... references: ECCO Consortium, Fukumori, I., Wang, O.,... source: The ECCO V4r4 state estimate was produce... standard_name_vocabulary: NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadat... summary: This dataset provides geometric paramete... title: ECCO Geometry Parameters for the Lat-Lon... uuid: 87ff7d24-86e5-11eb-9c5f-f8f21e2ee3e0
Method 1b: Open using 2 processes and threads¶
We can use the dask.distributed library to parallelize the opening of files from S3 and the subsequent computation. However, because of the overhead introduced by the distributed scheduler, this will not always speed up your code. This method works best when it is used to open files into xarray datasets with open_mfdataset
(which by default does not immediately load the data into memory), and then a subset of the data can be loaded into memory at the
earliest reasonable opportunity.
Note: If you are running a an instance with <2 GB memory (including the t2.micro free-tier) you will likely need to restart the kernel to clear your workspace before running the following cells. Then you can uncomment the cells below that reload the Python packages you need. You will also probably need to do the same before running Method 2.
# # un-comment and run this block if you just restarted the kernel
# import numpy as np
# import xarray as xr
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt#
# from ecco_s3_retrieve import *
# import time
from distributed import Client
client = Client()
<Client: 'tcp://' processes=2 threads=2, memory=7.50 GiB>
The above output tells us the location of the client (with a link) that we can use to track the tasks being performed, as well as the total processes, threads, and memory available.
# Open 12 monthly files (temp/salinity)
# suppress warnings
import warnings
time_log = [time.time()]
## open list of files
file_dict = ea.ecco_podaac_access(TS_mon_shortname,\
## open files in workspace
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(file_dict[TS_mon_shortname],\
## repeat above with the grid file
grid_shortname = "ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4"
grid_file_dict = ea.ecco_podaac_access(grid_shortname,\
ds_grid = xr.open_mfdataset(grid_file_dict[grid_shortname],chunks={'k':10,'tile':13,'j':90,'i':90})
time_to_open_files = np.diff(np.asarray(time_log)[-2:])[0]
# Compute global mean temperature at each time
## compute volumes of each cell
cell_vol = ds_grid.hFacC*ds_grid.rA*ds_grid.drF
## mean temperature weighted by the volume of each cell
total_vol = cell_vol.sum().compute()
theta_global_mean = (cell_vol*ds.THETA).sum(dim=["k","tile","j","i"])/\
theta_global_mean = theta_global_mean.compute()
## plot global mean temperature
theta_global_mean = theta_global_mean.assign_attrs(long_name='Global mean potential temperature',units='deg C')
curr_plot = theta_global_mean.plot()
plt.title('Global mean ocean temperature, in months of 2010')
time_to_compute = np.diff(np.asarray(time_log)[-2:])[0]
print('\n\nComputation completed')
print(f'Time to open files, 2 processes/2 threads: {time_to_open_files} s')
print(f'Time to compute, 2 processes/2 threads: {time_to_compute} s')
{'ShortName': 'ECCO_L4_TEMP_SALINITY_LLC0090GRID_MONTHLY_V4R4', 'temporal': '2010-01-02,2010-12-31'}
Total number of matching granules: 12
{'ShortName': 'ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4', 'temporal': '1992-01-01,2017-12-31'}
Total number of matching granules: 1
Computation completed
Time to open files, 2 processes/2 threads: 32.507508754730225 s
Time to compute, 2 processes/2 threads: 42.54342699050903 s
CPU times: user 13 s, sys: 5.15 s, total: 18.1 s
Wall time: 1min 15s
In this case we saved a little bit of time opening the files with multiple threads, but this was more than offset by the additional overhead from the distributed client during the computation (note the warning above about sending a large graph). So here it would be better to not use distributed for the computation.
Method 2: Download (get) S3 files to local instance¶
While the ability to open files from S3 without using up disk storage on your instance is useful, it is often more convenient to just download a copy of the files you need to your instance. As you might expect, since you are already on the cloud it can be a lot quicker to download the files than it would be to your own machine, and computations are also more efficient when the source data are already local to your instance.
To download files to our local instance, use mode = s3_get
. Note that by default files are downloaded to the the path ~/Downloads/ECCO_V4r4_PODAAC/{ShortName}/{filename}.nc
, but this can be changed using the download_root_dir
# # un-comment and run this block if you just restarted the kernel
# import numpy as np
# import xarray as xr
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import time
# Get/download 12 monthly files (temp/salinity) and grid parameters file to user's instance
# suppress warnings
import warnings
time_log = [time.time()]
## download files to instance
file_dict = ea.ecco_podaac_access(TS_mon_shortname,\
## open files in workspace
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(file_list,\
## repeat above with the grid file
grid_shortname = "ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4"
grid_file_dict = ea.ecco_podaac_access(grid_shortname,\
ds_grid = xr.open_mfdataset(grid_file_dict[grid_shortname],chunks={'k':10,'tile':13,'j':90,'i':90})
time_to_get_files = np.diff(np.asarray(time_log)[-2:])[0]
# Compute global mean temperature at each time
## compute volumes of each cell
cell_vol = ds_grid.hFacC*ds_grid.rA*ds_grid.drF
## mean temperature weighted by the volume of each cell
total_vol = cell_vol.sum().compute()
theta_global_mean = (cell_vol*ds.THETA).sum(dim=["k","tile","j","i"])/\
theta_global_mean = theta_global_mean.compute()
## plot global mean temperature
theta_global_mean = theta_global_mean.assign_attrs(long_name='Global mean potential temperature',units='deg C')
curr_plot = theta_global_mean.plot()
plt.title('Global mean ocean temperature, in months of 2010')
time_to_compute = np.diff(np.asarray(time_log)[-2:])[0]
print('\n\nComputation completed')
print(f'Time to download files: {time_to_get_files} s')
print(f'Time to compute: {time_to_compute} s')
created download directory /home/jpluser/Downloads/ECCO_V4r4_PODAAC/ECCO_L4_TEMP_SALINITY_LLC0090GRID_MONTHLY_V4R4
{'ShortName': 'ECCO_L4_TEMP_SALINITY_LLC0090GRID_MONTHLY_V4R4', 'temporal': '2010-01-02,2010-12-31'}
Total number of matching granules: 12
Time spent = 2.2892749309539795 seconds
created download directory /home/jpluser/Downloads/ECCO_V4r4_PODAAC/ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4
{'ShortName': 'ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4', 'temporal': '1992-01-01,2017-12-31'}
Total number of matching granules: 1
Time spent = 0.22187018394470215 seconds
Computation completed
Time to download files: 7.0586652755737305 s
Time to compute: 3.8432106971740723 s
CPU times: user 5.47 s, sys: 810 ms, total: 6.28 s
Wall time: 10.9 s
Downloading the files to your instance before doing computations with them is a clear time-saver: 10.9 seconds total time, vs. at least 40 seconds with the other methods. So if you have the storage space on your instance, method 2 is usually the way to go.
Optimizing data access with available instance storage¶
We just saw in the last section that downloading data to your instance before computations saves time, but smaller AWS instances can be limited by available storage as well as memory. How can you know (before downloading) that you have the storage available to download files? If you specify mode = s3_get_ifspace
, the ecco_access functions will either download to your local instance (like s3_get
) or access the data “remotely” from S3 without storing the files on your instance (like
Which mode is invoked depends on how much available storage you have; the max_avail_frac option specifies the threshold to decide whether you have enough storage to download the files and store them locally. The default value of max_avail_frac is 0.5.
Let’s repeat the calculation that was done above by invoking this function, first removing the files if they are already on disk to replicate the previous example in Method 2 as closely as possible. We’re also going to use the ecco_podaac_to_xrdataset
function from ecco_access
, which conveniently uses ecco_podaac_access
and xarray
’s open_mfdataset
in a single function call!
# # un-comment and run this block if you just restarted the kernel
# import numpy as np
# import xarray as xr
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import time
# if files to be downloaded are already on the instance, remove them
import os
from os.path import join,expanduser
import glob
TS_2010_files = glob.glob(join(expanduser('~'),'Downloads','ECCO_V4r4_PODAAC',\
for file in TS_2010_files:
grid_file = glob.glob(join(expanduser('~'),'Downloads','ECCO_V4r4_PODAAC',\
for file in grid_file:
# Get/download 12 monthly files (temp/salinity) and grid parameters file to user's instance
# suppress warnings
import warnings
time_log = [time.time()]
## download files to instance and return as a dictionary containing 2 xarray Datasets
ds_dict = ea.ecco_podaac_to_xrdataset(ShortNames_list,\
## open files in workspace
ds = ds_dict[ShortNames_list[0]].chunk({'time':1,'k':10,'tile':13,'j':90,'i':90})
ds_grid = ds_dict[ShortNames_list[1]].chunk({'k':10,'tile':13,'j':90,'i':90})
time_to_get_files = np.diff(np.asarray(time_log)[-2:])[0]
# Compute global mean temperature at each time
## compute volumes of each cell
cell_vol = ds_grid.hFacC*ds_grid.rA*ds_grid.drF
## mean temperature weighted by the volume of each cell
total_vol = cell_vol.sum().compute()
theta_global_mean = (cell_vol*ds.THETA).sum(dim=["k","tile","j","i"])/\
theta_global_mean = theta_global_mean.compute()
## plot global mean temperature
theta_global_mean = theta_global_mean.assign_attrs(long_name='Global mean potential temperature',units='deg C')
curr_plot = theta_global_mean.plot()
plt.title('Global mean ocean temperature, in months of 2010')
time_to_compute = np.diff(np.asarray(time_log)[-2:])[0]
print('\n\nComputation completed')
print(f'Time to download files: {time_to_get_files} s')
print(f'Time to compute: {time_to_compute} s')
{'ShortName': 'ECCO_L4_TEMP_SALINITY_LLC0090GRID_MONTHLY_V4R4', 'temporal': '2010-01-02,2010-12-31'}
{'ShortName': 'ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4', 'temporal': '2010-01-01,2010-12-31'}
Size of files to be downloaded to instance is 0.202 GB,
which is 0.22% of the 91.405 GB available storage.
Proceeding with file downloads from S3
created download directory /home/jpluser/Downloads/ECCO_V4r4_PODAAC/ECCO_L4_TEMP_SALINITY_LLC0090GRID_MONTHLY_V4R4
Time spent = 2.1413791179656982 seconds
created download directory /home/jpluser/Downloads/ECCO_V4r4_PODAAC/ECCO_L4_GEOMETRY_LLC0090GRID_V4R4
Time spent = 0.09048581123352051 seconds
Computation completed
Time to download files: 5.2829673290252686 s
Time to compute: 3.733795166015625 s
CPU times: user 5.25 s, sys: 761 ms, total: 6.01 s
Wall time: 9.02 s
Notice that the total size of the downloads was only 0.22% of the available storage, much less than the 50% threshold that would trigger the to be opened from S3 rather than downloading to the instance. Proceeding with the downloads, we finished the computation in about the same time as using mode = s3_get
, but more quickly than when we used mode = s3_open